Russell's Paradox

The problem arises when it is considered whether M is an element of itself. If M is an element of M, then according to the definition M is not an element of M. If M is not an element of M, then M has to be an element of M, again by its very definition. The statements "M is an element of M" and "M is not an element of M" cannot both be true, thus the contradiction

malloc - allocates memory.

calloc - allocates memory of n blocks of size. initializes values to zero.

realloc - reallocates (expands/shrinks) memory allocation.

free - releases allocation

void *malloc ( unsigned int size )

Usage: pnt = (type *)malloc(size)

void *calloc ( unsigned int number, unsigned int size )

Usage: pnt = (type *)calloc(number, size)

void *realloc ( void *old_pnt, unsigned int new_size )

Usage: new_pnt = (type *)realloc(old_pnt, new_size)

void free ( void *pnt )

Usage: free(pnt)

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